Tuesday, 15 March 2011

The night before ...

So thats work finished, hoodie picked up, flight checked in and seats sorted and packing done.
I have swerved between childlike excitement and fear. What is I don't make it? I'll be so gutted. All this effort, all this money raised. However I know I won't fail however hard it is. I'm not just doing this as a life experience. My motivation started with Sam more than 10 years ago and was massively increased when Claire started her fight.
Claire is for me an inspiration. Her way of making cancer seem like a small irritation whilst she gets on with her life is so the best way but something so many find difficult to do.
As well as these 2 wonderful women I have known others who have fought and who have inspired.
You can't not leave an imprint on this world and if its to inspire good in others then your life has been a success.
Getting to know the Newhams and Fosters has added more reason to succeed.
This will make a difference to teenagers in the midlands and to bowel cancer patients.
Every step I take will help in the fight. We have one life, live it.

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