Monday, 18 October 2010

The Lakes in Autumn

The final wedding of the year, Nom and Davids, was up in the lakes so what better idea than go up a couple of days early and get a bit of walking in. I decided against Scafell Pike as on my own and not got my head round loss of light times so saving that for when with others (check me out being all sensible!) So I did a 12 mile walk from Bowness to Ambleside (by road this is 5.8 miles bu my walk kept taking me on detours). In Windermere I climbed to Orrest Point to see the 360 degree of Windermere and the Pennines (on a good day!), stunning views.
My boots were really comfortable with my new socks so think I've cracked them. Used my new water system too which apart from a plasticky new taste was fab.
On arrival in Ambleside I had a spot to eat and then caught the boat back to Bowness. Lovely!
The following day I did a walk down memory lane around the beautiful Tarn Hows before meeting up with others to start the decadence of the Wedding!
Now that the beautiful wedding is over its full on with training mode and goodbye to partys! 5 months yesterday is our departure date. Another thing to keep me going is that Birmingham just opened their Teenage Cancer Unit this week so now its Nottinghams turn.
Lucy left for Kili last Tuesday, can't wait to hear all about it when she gets back this week!! (or perhaps ignorance is bliss!)

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