Monday, 23 August 2010


It was time to do a proper mountain and the weather was clear and sunny with light rain forecast so I had no excuses. I chose the route from Patterdale which takes you across grizedale and then a steady climb up and across several fields to the start of striding edge. On the final ascent up there are steps in the hill side, these seemed never ending! Just at the start of these the rain fell and swiftly soaked everything and me! Oddly at the top of the steps I finally had phone reception so a little rest before attempting striding edge and a catch up with texts!

A few yards along striding edge and the red tarn comes into view, in photos it looks tiny but it's really a massive tarn at the top of a mountain! Onwards along the edge.

I didn't expect striding edge to be so rocky, as you go along the path disappears and you have to climb over great big sharp rocks which were still nice and slippery from the previous rainfall despite the sun now coming out. It was along here I remembered my fear of heights. Towards the end I could see no path and neither could the people near me. One man led the way and 16 of us found ourselves (having clambered down rocks I didn't think I could get back up) at the top of a 20 foot drop with no easy steps down! Thankfully this man and his son did lots of climbing so with a rope round our waists for security he and his son guided us all down. Nothing like a bit fo bonding on a mountain edge.

Once down my legs were still a bit wobbly and I looked up to the final "scramble" as the guide describes it. About 100 ft of sheer rock climbing with lots of loose scree which was wet help! I didn't want to go up or down.

I started following a couple who looked like they knew what they were doing before I realised they were regular rock climbers and taking the quicker but harder route help!

I joined another route and shortly after joined the family that I had come down the edge with.

Not much further and with absolutely no looking down I made it to the top of Helvellyn. I took a shot over the valley which showed Ullswater and then strolled to the area where there were others to get a pic of me! In these 2 minutes cloud came down and visibility was nothing aghhh!

Photo taken I quickly started my climb down the other side. Helvellyn is a circular walk and the way down despite easier is still a bit of a climb so much of this I did on my bum!

Walking down the hills killed, my legs really weren't happy and when I finally arrived back in Patterdale I was very relieved! An early night for me (asleep by 9.30!) and a couple for days of achy legs followed but at least I did it! It's a start!!

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