When I first heard the rumours of T and O does Kilimanjaro for charity I thought "well thats one I won't be joining in with!"
When I got the email with more details I suddenly started to see what an amazing opportunity this would be, to climb to the roof of Africa. This would raise money for Cancer charities and would be an amazing bonding experience for the unit but for me personally would be an extreme challenge.
My body has not seen a gym in years. I have shied away from difficult walks and exercise in the knowledge that I have gone so far away from fitness that the climb to start it again is massive.
I have lost the motivation to get fit.
Suddenly I can see myself doing this, see myself pushing myself and see myself getting fitter.
Several of my friends do great trips each year, they've seen the wonders of the world, they've shaken gorillas hands but I haven't been outside of Europe. I mainly holiday in grassy fields with my vw camper van and friends. This for me will be the experience of a lifetime.
I am determined, I am fired up, I am nervous and as I write this I am totally seized up!!
I have started my exercise regime this weekend and boy don't I know it.
Gym joined help! So Friday saw me swimming lengths and the only fair competition were swimming for free as they were OAP's! However I set myself a target and then beat it.
Saturday saw my first real hill walking, Lins and Matt (Kili climbed '08 for them!) joined me in the Derbyshire Dales. We set off from Baslow and up to Curbar Edge. The hill was killing my calfs. My right ankle kept giving way, if this was so difficult how am I ever going to be fit?? However my motivators were fab and the views from the top were spectacular. The wild chappie seen in the picture I didn't expect to see but made me realise that even when you get out on your own doorstep you see wonderful examples of nature that you don't expect. If he's in Derbyshire what on earth will I see in Africa!?
So I put in a good 4 hours of walking and woke this morning stiff as! Oh good today was race for life! I chose to do this years race for life at kedleston hall as all the rest clashed with vw shows or social life (get me!). I'm not even going to mention the queue in and out beyond the fact I spent 4 hours at a standstill today! I finally got out of the car as the 2nd race set off 1hr 15 after it was meant to. I tried to swiftly get to the start line but oh no my legs and ankles were sore and seized eek! Nothing for it but to speed walk this year! Good job I did. The race zig zagged up a steep hill which was excellent for my kili training!
I've spent most of this weekend red faced and sweating and now sore and stiff but the buzz within me is amazing.
Cancer is the only thing in life that truly is not prejudiced. Therefore its an enemy of us all that we should all fight. I've lost good friends and I've watched good friends fight this enemy but until we all unite it continues to take loved ones. (Ithought this half way along the race today as I read signs that showed love and pain and talked of little ones sprinkling fairy dust even though they were gone!). It's a cheesy thing to say but if I can raise some money for cancer, experience a once in a life time experience and who knows get fitter and thinner then count me in!! The journey begins!!
It's an exciting start! I look forward to hearing about your journey from start to finish! Lindsey x